Notes: Participants should respond on a fully-labeled 7-point scale (1 = Strongly disagree; 2 = Disagree; 3 = Slightly disagree; 4 = Neither agree nor disagree; 5 = Slightly agree; 6 = Agree; 7 = Strongly agree). When using the scale, researchers may wish to replace “this channel” with the name of the particular channel for greater readability. The reported Study 1 alpha is based on the final scale. Study 2 alphas are in boldface.
Complete psychometrics can be found in: Fox, J., & McEwan, B. (in press). Distinguishing technologies for social interaction: The Perceived Social Affordances of Communication Channels Scale. Communication Monographs.
Complete psychometrics can be found in: Fox, J., & McEwan, B. (in press). Distinguishing technologies for social interaction: The Perceived Social Affordances of Communication Channels Scale. Communication Monographs.